Wednesday, 30 July 2008


We've had lovely weather here recently and it's been great to finally get oudoors and enjoy the garden, both for chilling out, reading and garending :) It's been too hot to do any knitting though, but did manage to take some photos of my roses, hope you like. Hope you've had good weather in your part of the world and been able to get out and about. It is a little cooler here this morning so who knows what the day will bring :0) knitting i hope. Will try and post photos of current WIP's next time, enjoy the rest of the week and take care. x

Sunday, 20 July 2008

I'm a Grandma!!

Hi everyone, things have been really hectic at this end, I have become a Grandma. Mum and baby are doing well but what alot of changes a little person brings to your life (don't you forget). Must try and get back to my knitting now, so much to do and so little time, will try my best to keep posting and keep you up to date with how things are.